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审计助理 Internal Audit Assistant (南充)
5000-8000元 南充 应届毕业生 大专
美兴小额贷款(四川)有限责任公司 2024-05-04 10:02:18
审计助理 Internal Audit Assistant (南充)
5000-8000元 南充 应届毕业生 大专
美兴小额贷款(四川)有限责任公司 2024-05-04 10:02:18
一、主要工作内容描述1. Assist the Audit Manager(Audit Officer) or other authorized staff in preparing the audit plan;协助审计经理(审计主管)或者其授权人员编制审计计划;2.Complete the audit missions assigned by the Audit Manager(Audit Officer)independently;独立完成审计经理(审计主管)委派的审计任务;3.Complete the audit working paper independently;独立完成审计工作底稿;4. Assist the Audit Manager(Audit Officer) or his authorized person in completing the audit report;协助审计经理(审计主管)或者其授权人员完成审计工作报告 ;5.Assist the Audit Manager(Audit Officer) or his authorized person in tracking the implementation of audit opinions;协助审计经理(审计主管)或者其授权人员追踪审计意见的落实;6.Bind and archive Internal audit documents;对内审文档进行装订并归档;7. Prepare training materials, organize Internal training, and sort training record;搜索培训材料,组织内部培训,整理培训记录;8.Assist the Audit Manager(Audit Officer) or his authorized person in preparing the Audit Guideline;协助审计经理(审计主管)或者其授权人员编制审计指南;9. Complete the audit mission preparation work, client visit or back-office audit independently;独立完成审计任务的准备,走访客户或者内勤审计;10. Other tasks assigned by the Audit Manager(Audit Officer) and other authorized persons.审计经理(审计主管)或者其授权人员安排的其他工作。 二、任职资格、权限及工作关系Educational background: Junior college and above, preferably major in accounting, audit and related majors;教育背景要求: 大专及以上学历,会计,审计及相关专业优先;Work experience: accounting, audit and credit experience are preferable;工作经验要求: 有会计,审计,信贷业务工作经验者优先;Expertise: has accepted training about accounting, audit or credit; familiar with the microfinance standards, and Internal control and risk management knowledge;专业知识要求:接受过会计、审计或信贷业务方面的培训,熟悉小贷行业的标准规范,了解内部控制和风险管理知识;Requirements on key capabilities: Proficient writing skills and communication skills, strong communication and coordination capability, CET-4 and above English, fluent speaking; proficient at office software and office automation equipment;关键能力要求:具备良好文字功底、语言表达流畅,沟通协调能力强,大学四级及以上英语能力,能熟悉操作办公软件和办公自动化设备;Requirements on Personal traits: honesty, integrity, diligence, sense of responsibility;个人素质要求:诚实、正直、勤勉、有责任心;

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